DesireBound By Ginger Segreti

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Tips and Tricks to be more Sexcessful

Are you looking for ways to improve your sex life and increase your desire? Try this tips and tricks.

Get up early and sexercise. 

Start your week off by getting off.  Relieve stress and jump start your circulatory system.  Get your cardio on.  According to @LawsofSex having sex burns 3.6 calories per minute.

Consume a healthy breakfast.  

After a carnal exchange, you have to fuel up, to prepare for the rest of your day. Restore your energy and kick start your morning.

Arrive early.  

Come early and often.  Studies have demonstrated a correlation between orgasm frequency and life expectancy.

Visualize sexcesses. 

By envisioning your desired outcomes you can better ensure your needs are met. If you have thought it, there is probably a group or website out there dedicated to it.  Research what you want and how you want it.


Express your desires and communicate your pleasure.  Don’t be afraid to let go. Talk dirty, scream, yell, shriek, howl.  Whatever makes you feel comfortable and in touch with your body and sensations.

Make the extra effort to demonstrate your emotions. 

If your partner is doing something right – let them know.  If they are doing something that you don’t particularly care for, gently redirect their attention to something you do like. If you aren’t sure – make a game of it.

Don't wait, start your sexcessful strategies today.

Looking for more tips and tricks? Ladies give this a try.  Fellas, your turn.  Erotic stories more your cup of tea?  Check out my free erotic shorts and teasers.